Sunday 20 October 2013

Short Side Of Long: Gold Most Oversold Since 1985

Short Side Of Long: Gold Most Oversold Since 1985: Chart 1: Gold is now down almost 28% over the last 12 months      Source: Short Side of Long According to at least one technical ind...

Financial Astrology…poppycock?

There is lots of stuff happening right now on the financial astrology front: lunar eclipse, lunar positive period begins in the next few days, increased sunspot activity, hybrid solar eclipse and Bradley turn scheduled for 3rd Nov, marking the beginning of a Puetz window.

“It is crucial to understand what the siderograph is about since almost all traders (and even financial astrologers!) misunderstand it. Over the decades it has been observed that the siderograph can NOT (!!!) reliably predict the direction but only turning points in the financial markets (stocks, bonds, bonds, commodities) within a time window of +/- 4 calendar days (in a few cases up to +/- 7 days). Inversions (i.e. a high instead of a low and vice versa) are quite common. Also, it is not a timing tool for short-term trends but rather for intermediate-term to longer-term trends because the turning window is rather wide.” – Manfred Zimmel
The major Bradley turning points have worked well so far in 2013, so it will be interesting to see what direction the market takes into 3rd November.
If we head down into the 3rd, we could be in for a “melt up”. As with Bradley, it is my observation that eclipses work much in the same way, marking turning points only:
On the chart I’ve circled the turns that appear to have worked particularly well in recent years.
Then we have the obvious ending pattern on the major US indices. My only observation here is that if it’s obvious, it probably won’t play out, which must be a concern for the bears.
For my part, I’d like to see the indices rise into the Bradley & solar eclipse turn dates…from that admission, you can guess how I’m currently positioned!
Good luck all.